What is the TAP System?

The desired outcome can only be achieved through a thoroughly orchestrated set of efforts.

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Dedicated to achieving the ultimate quality of our services, we realized there are three pillars of success every product stands on: Team, Approach, and Process.

Every pillar includes dozens of best practices we battle-tested throughout the years of our hard work. Only combined together they allow us to be brilliant at what we do.

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TAP System covers the next software development aspects


  • Team structure
  • Best practices for hiring
  • Principles of high-performing teams
  • Output metrics


  • Tech approach
  • Deployment approaches
  • Product strategy
  • Product and Technology Roadmaps


  • Communication principles
  • Day-to-day delivery practices
  • Inception
  • Alignment tactics

Miss one of three pillars, and you'll get troubles along the way

No Team

A weak or incomplete team fails to follow the set approach and processes.

No Approach

Non-feasible goals lead to an unpredictable business outcome.

No Process

Deadlines are missed. The progress is slower than expected.

The TAP System contains ONLY the practices that:

  • Bring maximum impact for product initiatives
  • Align teams and processes in the organization
  • Aimed at reducing software development risks
  • Reduce attrition and increase retention in the team
  • Are remote native
  • Improve the four key metrics suggested by DORA

Since the TAP system includes so many practices for various cases and scenarios, we decided to release it as a Tech Atlas.

Tech Atlas is an interactive coaching tool for engineering leaders. It is available online and organizes the TAP's practices by playbooks and goals for easier navigation and implementation.


What proves the effectiveness of the TAP system?


Since 2013, we’ve been using the TAP system practices in every initiative we are involved in.


Every single practice included in the TAP system has been previously used by many successful teams and businesses to gain popularity.


Grouped by playbooks and goals, the TAP system suggests using only the practices necessary for your situation.


We continue to improve and expand the TAP system as we grow and learn from our clients, initiatives, achievements, and failures.


The system was initially created with the idea of minimizing any risks you might have in your business.

Yet remember: it’s only the tool, not the solution for your problems.

Why TAP System is important?

Software delivery is the easiest part of the product building process. Minimizing business-related risks, avoiding technical downfalls, closing communication gaps, and addressing potential bottlenecks in approaches and processes is what matters most when you strive for maximum impact and top team performance. And the TAP System provides a holistic glide path for all of that. At once.

Alex Kurkin